Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sunday, October 03, 2010
It's almost too late for your f.ree registration :-(
Pre Launch of GVO conference and
yesterdays LIVE call already had almost
800 live people on the call in the english
and spanish rooms..
I told you this was going to explode..
It will continue to explode., and here is why.
1. Price point. Where can you get a rocks solid
conference room for $8.97 and an amazing business
opportunity at the same time
2. Globally affordable. Because of the price point
business entrepreneurs ALL over the world can finally
afford this opportunity and are jumping on board!!
(Remember in Brazil, the average fireman salary is
only $276.00 a month!!)
3. The biggest motivator to get people to change
their buying habits is SAVING MONEY.
If you think things are blowing up now, wait until
the product only site comes out.. companies will
be flocking to this product..
Just go get on the Pre Launch Early bird list NOW!!
it's free, and all we are doing is looking for true
Network Marketing Leaders!!
There is very little time left to get involved at the top
of this matrix... I want you as one of my leaders
at the TOP with me, on the very ground floor of
this opportunity..
Register for FREE now, because with or without
you, opportunity, or not opportunity...
Please take 10 seconds and get on the early bird
list NOW!!